A wedding invitation is a wonderful way to forgive a grudge and should not be used as a tool to solidify a grudge.
The act of boiling water, brewing a cup of tea, and sitting down to drink it is a good way to rejuvenate oneself in the middle of wedding planning. It takes all of 15 minutes but it can be a real stress breaker/energy booster.
Sharing that cup of tea with the bride provides time to pause and simply enjoy one another’s company in the midst of all the planning.
Including the groom’s mother in some of the nicer tasks or shopping trips is fun and a good idea.
Sending the groom home to visit with his mother during the week leading up to the wedding is also a good idea.
It’s wise to enlist as much help as you can, even more than you think you need, because there will always be some small details that you will overlook in the hustle and bustle of The Day but which will be taken care of by an observant helper.
Take time each day to brush your cat or dog, talk to your chickens, water a plant, or otherwise direct some affectionate attention to something unrelated to the wedding. This is a wonderful stress reliever and ensures they won’t be neglected during the weeks of planning!
If a friend offers to drive you around on The Day, say yes! It’s a blessing not to have to worry about transportation and parking in those last hectic hours.
Eating a light meal before getting ready for the ceremony is a good idea. This goes for everyone – bride, groom, and family.
There will always be someone who complains or criticizes. When confronted by these people it’s best to let them finish what they have to say, calmly reply, “I’m so sorry to hear that,” and move on. Some folks simply cannot be pleased.
Keeping hot water for tea or coffee and a plate of cookies in the dressing room before the start of the ceremony is a good idea.
A bride who is willing to cheerfully help others when they are running late will find that her wedding runs more smoothly.
Sometimes the last minute compromise is better than the carefully crafted plan.
Remember this: weddings may be stressful but they can’t kill you.
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